Sunday, November 18, 2012

Write this down, if you can.

I've changed the title for this blog about six times already. I think in a way that gives you some representation of how uncertain I am at the moment.
It's kind of strange that I don't know where to start, because there used to be a time when I could just write anything. And now it feels like that time is an age ago. Earlier this year I tried writing a short story, just to see if I could still do it. It took me a few hours, and when I got tired of writing, and ran out of ideas, I read through what I'd wrote and it didn't even make sense, let alone carry a sense of purpose. There was no way I could carry on. After that, it lived a lonely life in a stack of pile on my desk, waiting for the day where I would pick it up again and finally get to the ending.
That day never happened, and instead my 'story' found a place in the rubbish bin.
Unfortunately, it's not been the only one to hit the fan this year. In an attempt to "write the best song ever" by taking a page out of simplicities book (rather than my usual lengthy, complex lyrics) I ended up writing quite a few terrible ones. And I'm left wondering why I wasted so much time on something that never fell together.
I think another lyric I wrote sums it up perfectly "I've spent nine months getting nowhere, with my head in the clouds and my ideas in the trash can."
It's not that I can't write. Anyone can write, given the capacity and the right tools. The question I've been asking myself lately is whether I can write anything of worth.

For not posting for weeks, I could apologize and say I was busy. I could say I was tired. I could say I had music to practice, and this had to take a backseat.
All these are true. But there's one more reason: simply that I didn't know what to write down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh Lord please fill Jordan will life and inspiration and power and strength.. grant him vision and an ability to see the path forward.
Father, thank you for the way in which his words have touched my life and so many lives over so many years.. please would you breathe your spirit of life afresh on him and fan him into flame.