Monday, February 6, 2012


Man I haven't updated this blog for ages! While I'm kinda sorry about this (especially with my resolution of blogging more), I have to say I've been so busy it's been hard to even think, let alone blog!
So I type this sitting in my hostel room, listening to U2 and writing on the laptop that my mum kindly gave me. Yes, I have finally moved!!! Pretty big thing, but I'm loving it over here and I've only been here like 2 and a half days!
Oh and in other exciting news I heard the other day that I got accepted into my course! I was so nervously awaiting this piece of information that it was great to have confirmation at last!!!! I'm really looking forward till the starting date, which is in a couple of weeks time. Till then I'll just be working, but at least this means I don't have to drive so far to work. So it's an ideal situation at the moment!

Loving 2012! If you're reading this, drop a line and tell me how your years going!



Invisible said...

You forgot to mentions the cupcakes :P

thefallingmovement said...

oh sorry, this shall be ammended!


Invisible said...

good :D