Friday, January 13, 2012

I know I'm lonely, but am I ever alone?

(Title taken from the lyrics of Untitled, Anonymous by Everyday Sunday)
So this week I've spent a lot of time in my own company.
I offered to house-sit for some friends, and as a result I've been left to my own devices for a week.

Turns out you don't actually realize how much you miss people until they're gone. I've always considered myself a half introvert/half extrovert. Which basically means I like spending time by myself but I also like spending time with other people.

However at the moment I'm reconsidering that. Turns out being by myself is actually not that much fun. Ok, I've had a few good jams and watched a couple of movies, and overall it hasn't been really that bad. It's just there's no one to talk to, and I get sick of living in my own head sometimes. The real world sometimes isn't that bad a place to be.

But the other day I was reading my bible and I got thinking. How do you define alone?

Being in an empty house by yourself? Talking to the walls because no one else will listen? Playing music loud to try and bridge the silence? Distracting yourself from the realization that no one else is there?

The definition I found off Google (the trusted old search engine :D) reads:

1. Being apart from others; solitary.
2. Being without anyone or anything else; only.
3. Considered separately from all others of the same class.
4. Being without equal; unique.
1. Without others: sang alone while the choir listened.
2. Without help: carried the suitcases alone.
3. Exclusively; only: The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone.

Pretty good definitions really. And all feelings which, unfortunately, most of us have probably experienced at one time or another.

And yet....

The latter part of Hebrews 13:5 says "...for he [God] has said 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' " Joshua 1:9 states "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid; neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." The bible is filled with all these affirmations from God saying that despite what we feel, despite our messes we make, he will never leave us.

And if God is always with us, how can we ever be alone?

This line from Untitled Anonymous really sums it up for me. We may feel alone, but even if everyone else abandons us, God will never leave or quit on us.

I don't know about you, but I think that's totally awesome! That God would care enough to give us affirmation of his presence not just once, but several times. It continues to give me hope in my dark places, and comfort in my loneliness.

And I hope that in some small way it can do it for you too.

God bless,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you use words with anointing and power... may God continue to gift out his treasures through your heart, blessing and bringing life to those who read/hear them, and may that blessing return to you so that you know that not only God, but the lives of those you reach with the message he gives you, in some way connect and align themselves with you, so that we are with you in spirit, even if far in body.
ps my word verification word is "cries" !!