Tuesday, March 22, 2011

posting spree!

that's what i feel like going on right now.

at the moment i'm kind of wondering what i got myself into.

i've been doing that a lot this year.

so i entered this thing at school called stage challenge.

it sounded kind of fun, and i like acting. plus, shooting people from the top of a prop boat carried by a bunch of backstage people doesn't sound too hard. or does it?

now in hindsight i'm kind of wondering if i should actually do it.

you see, i like my weekends...

no actually it's just cos i've been super busy lately. and it's not that i hate business, it's just that when it all gets busy, i really start to suck at doing one particular thing. like blogging. like band practice. like having a life.

"so," you say, "why don't you pull out and be done with it?"

i wish it was that darn easy.

first of all, as i previously mentioned, it looked kind of fun. and it'd give me something to do at lunch times. at times i feel my social life is virtually nonexistant. haha :)

secondly, and more importantly, the teacher in charge made it sound like a HUGE thing if you pulled out. which it would be i guess....they'd have to go find someone else to go do it, and waste a lot of time because i didn't think i could do it. it'd drive them up the wall, and back down. annnnnnd i'd probably get in a lot of trouble. :( grrrr with all that pre-emptive warning you'd think fickle people like me wouldn't go and put their names down.

i hate my life sometimes.

and this blog post didn't quite turn out the way i thought it'd go.....

oh well,



beka said...

ohhh bru! double dilemna!
maybe it will be fun? also, i reckon the busier you are the more productive you are - like you have less free time so you make the most of it and don't waste it.
either way, it'll be fine!

Hannah M. said...

Posting sprees are awesome, thank you, sir.
Hmmm, you sound like me... I usually start freaking out when I can't get more than one thing done at a time, 'cause life moves to stinkin' slow... when, in reality, it moves way too fast. I'm messed up. :)
But what you're doing sounds amazing.

Anonymous said...

its ok Jords, you will be great. sitting up there shooting people with crowds watching you sounds just like one of your childhood dreams come true... enjoy it!