Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's awesome when this happens!

We've finally begun writing again! I have to say, its about time. We hadn't really done anything much after Parachute because we were so busy with school and playing the occasional show. Our spot at the show for Christchurch in town went pretty well, if a little disjointed, cos I couldn't hear my guitar and got off time. But it was a great event and good for a jam. Got us a few new fans too! Anyway, we decided it was about time we had something new, as we were getting kind of sick of our old stuff. Not that it's bad, just cos it's old. Hopefully I'll get onto typing up one of our new songs lyrics sometime soon but right now I kind of need to hit the hay before it gets to late. God bless, Jordan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHOOT, we are too!