Saturday, June 5, 2010

One of the more intresting days of my life...

...was TODAY!
I actually was pretty surprised about this, because it didn't start off to well. It was frosty & cold, and I woke up late then had to pile in the car in about 20 minutes. Talk about rushed!
Anyway, the reason we were in the car so early was cos we were gonna visit Poppa as it was his birthday!!!! So we made the trip up the bay, and had a little party with him. He had this mean fire going in a big metal drum, and we roasted marshmallows and sausages over it. It was fun! We then went on to film some extremely failed movie before going to get some fish & chips for lunch. It was awkward as, cos we were waiting around for ages while they were cooking and they basically told us to go home and come back when they were done. Rude. So we sat outside in the gutter and listened to Underoath. Mean. I'm not a heavy metal fan in the slightest, but I think I'm beginning to at least understand the genre. Either way Writing on the Walls is an awesome song. Go listen!
So then we went into the shop and while we were waiting around I started humming this song. And it was a line in it which says something like "Why don't we, sit right here for half an hour,....and how they let us down!" (then it goes into the screaming bit) and so I was singing this out loud when I suddenly realised the shop-owners could easily think I was singing about their poor service! Therefore I instantly shut my mouth, and luckily no-one noticed. It was pretty funny though.
We headed home shortly after lunch cos me and Nate had a soccer game on that afternoon. The trip was all good up till Waipuk where there was this random rusty wheelbarrow in the middle of the road. All these cars kept swerving to miss it and so Mum was like jump out and grab it! So there I was running down the middle of the road (it was actually a bridge) pushing this wheelbarrow and all the cars going the opposite way were looking at me like I was some kind of lunatic! It was awesome! At the end there was this guy who's trailer it had obviously fallen off and he was like "Oh man I am so ****** sorry!" and I replied "No worrys" then hopped back in the van. Then not long after we saw this random plastic can thing in the middle of the road and all these cars were swerving to miss it. So I jumped out and grabbed that too, and tossed it over to the side of the road. We FINALLY got home without further incident and then went to soccer.
Our soccer game was so RANDOM! We got a goal in about the first thirty seconds, which is probably a world record for our team, no offence, and then kept doing all these mean attacks. About halfway through the first half this random bus pulls up with all these rugby guys in, and this streaker leaps out and starts running across the field! (thankfully he wasn't fully naked!) So our goalie starts chasing him seeing as we had no security to hand. Then all the rugby guys hopped out and stood on the sidelines cheering like crazy when ever anyone touched the ball. It was so funny!
After the first half, we were down 3-1, but the game was pretty even, and we were playing mean as! The second half went about the same - except for several members of our team started getting a little aggro with aggro members of the other team. It came to a head when one of our defenders got wiped out by their winger, and then they started slugging it out! Next thing you know, the entire fields become this massive scrap! Me and Nate were like "What the heck?" and we stayed well out of it. They were scrapping for like about 5 minutes before the ref finally managed to break it up. We had to call the game off cos of it :( , and it almost started again cos the defender who got wiped out in the first place was getting real hungus to smash them up. Then we started shaking hands! It was so weird.
After that we came home and after a shower did some band practice. It was sounding good, even though we hadn't really practiced for about 5 days. =O
Anyway, that was all pretty much most of my very intresting day.
Hope your days been just as awesome!
And if it hasn't remember that tommorrow is a new day. It will be what you make it. So go out there and make it awesome!
God bless,



joshgowan said...

Thats funny as. Lol!


Anonymous said...

That was awesome as.
Everything exept for the scrap.


beka said...

mean header! LOVE it! you guys amaze me :)