Saturday, June 12, 2010


This blog all came about because I had to tell someone about something, which while actually was not actually a big deal, was something which really took ages for me to do because I talked myself out of it so much. In the end it came down to me saying to myself: "Right are you going to be a man and speak out or be a chicken and stay quiet?" So I finally did it, and it was all totally under-rated by myself anyway cos it took like 2 minutes to resolve. But actually making myself speak up was so hard.
The whole thing got me thinking about this newspaper article and how it really struck a chord in me. It was talking about how fear creates all these negative attitudes, like anger, and jelousy, etc. Then it said how the opposite of fear was love, but it takes courage to love.
And I thought about this for a moment, and I really actually understood it.
See what gets me is this.
It takes courage to love. It takes courage to step out and help those who can't help themselves. It takes courage to stand up against the ways of this world, and really live. It's no easy task we face, but did God ever say it was going to be easy?
Sometimes it takes courage just to go over and say to "hi" to someone you've never met before. It can be as easy as that. Or maybe it's just loving those who are a little bit weird, a little bit strange, a little bit on the outside. I know what it's like on the outside, and it's not the best place to be there.
So today, are you going to stand up, and make a difference?
Stick your hands up if you're with me!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

got both my hands stuck up! right with you bro.. and thanks for having the courage to challenge us on it.