Monday, September 26, 2011

10.31 finds me...

- Happy cause I followed my own advice in seeking employment, and there is now a job application form in my bedroom!

- Exhausted from this morning's exam. English is more difficult than it should be!

- On Facebook, as usual.

- Blogging, as not so usual. :D

- Just finished writing up an interview with Mozart. It was sorta hard to conduct, seeing as he's dead, but I managed it.

- With a headache - again! Grrr...

- Wishing our internet was working so I could Youtube some Jazz. Cause I'm cool like that.

- Realizing I haven't practiced the eleteric guitar for today. Darn it, it's too late now...

- Also realizing I haven't brushed my teeth yet...

- Wearing my shoes, cos I haven't taken them off yet.

- Looking at my sisters awesome drawing at

- Wondering if I should be in bed right now...

- Praying for stuff to work out.

- Hoping that I can go see the play on Sunday AND go to Youth Group!

- Not playing music :( cause people are sleeping.

- Happy cause theres no more exams this term but also sad. If that makes sense.

- Ready for tommorrow. (I hope!)

- Finishing this post at 10. 54

Where does 10. 54 find you?
