Friday, August 27, 2010

hi peoples

wow i haven't blogged for ages.
i usually start off like that ^^
school is still not getting much easier, but at least i'm getting used to it. got a merit today for my essay in english so i was pretty stoked. not finding the social stuff to well though.
i mean i've made a couple of friends but not many and i still feel like an outsider even though i've been there for a month...
gosh i wish i could talk as well as i can write.
right so band stuff.
our recording was exallontay! soooo much fun! really enjoyed it. now we're just waiting for the finished product so we can put artwork and stuff on and make it looks flash. also we've started writing a new song which is AWESOME! love writing new stuff! the problem is that we don't have much time to do band practice at the moment cos in the week school and homework stuffs up our days and i'm pretty much fully occupied with les miserables on the weekend. oh well only a couple more weeks of that left i guess. if anyone who is in new zealand is reading this, you fully should come. it's going to be an epic show! come and watch me get shot!! (note: this sounds bad but i don't actually die so i think we'll get away with it.... :] haha!) oh yeah and all you Americans out there can come to if you want. :)
soooo hows everyone else going?
i was going to write for longer but i can't really think of anything to say...
pretty excited that it's ma birthday in only 4 days! i'm going to stay home and play music all day! (something i've wanted to do for AGES!!) it's gonna be sweeeeeet!
love to all,



naomi dutt said...

hey :)
i'm starting "real school" in 2 weeks (i've been homeschooled all my life), so i kind of get what you mean about being an outsider and stuff... about making friends, i know it's cliche, but the best way to make a friend is to be one... and you could try introducing yourself to someone new every week, or something. i'm kinda a social caterpillar, so i can make friends, it just takes... effort, ya know? haha... well, good luck :} i'll be praying for you...
and happy birthday!
(this whole time thing never ceases to amaze me... haha how was... today?! right now it's friday @ 11.31am... weird!)

Hannah M. said...

YAYAYA, can't wait to hear the new stuffs! You guys rock my socks! Thank you so much for commenting on my blogs, too, it literally made my day!!! :)How old are you going to be, Jordan? I'm sorry about school, I started this week too. =/ It kind of stinks. I am homeschooled though, so I can't say much for my social circle, haha!
Wishing you guys the absolute best ever,


mayday said...

thanks hannah and naomi! hmmm can't say i've heard the expression social catipillar before but it sounds like me...take ages to adjust to everything. good luck for school for the both of you. i'm gonna be 17! :O and the new tunes coming along nicely.. just needs a few more words and some shredding guitar soloes and it'll be MEAN!!!