Thursday, April 29, 2010


today we kept writing our song a bit more. we've so nearly finished it! and finally it's starting to come together now, which is good cos yesterday i was getting all depressed about it.
the rest of the day was pretty sweet. i had the meanest sandwich for lunch when i was working at the cafe. ok the chilli sauce set my lips on fire but the experience was worth it. and i got to take home 4 muffins too, which was an added bonus. after we'd finished band practice, i went on a little photoshoot in the tiny confinement of my bedroom: following my sisters examples. obviously her's smash up mine because of 2 things 1) she's a far better photographer!!!!! and 2) she has a far better camera!
anyway here's the results:

Pretty cool aye...



Tanner Pemelton said...

Glad to hear the band practices are going well man. Do you guys play festivals at all or are you guys just starting? Do you guys ever play Cornerstone Festival?

mayday said...

hey tanita good to get a heads up from you. we're mainly just starting at the moment: the biggest credit to our name is we've played on one of the smallest stages at the biggest Christain music festival in the Southern Hemisphere. :)
We'd really love to play at Cornerstone but seeing as it's in the USA, not Nz, getting over there would be a bit of an issue unfortunately.

beka said...

I miss taking photos in that bedroom! Haha you rocked it up!

Tanner Pemelton said...

Holy crap man, thats my fault I did not even realize you are not in the united states. I thought the picture on top of your blog was taken at cornerstone. Looks alot like their set up. Oh, and by the way the name may say Tanita, but I'm actually Tanner. You have commented on my blog a couple of times, "A thought past through my mind." Just sharing the love and reading some of your guys post. Do you guys have music up yet?

mayday said...

sorry about that tanner just calling you by your profile name cos i didn't know your real name. yeh i assume it would be a bit simalar. it was on a stage called the apollo which was so awesomely grassroots. yeh, i'm liking your blog! it's really awesome! got some great posts on there. we don't have really any songs up yet apart from this video, follow the link:
we're thinking of doing a decent recording though, and once that's finished, we'll probably set up a myspace so people can finally have a listen.

mayday said...

Hey Beka!
it's a mean bedroom to take pictures in. miss you not being able to do them though... :(