Saturday, January 2, 2010

hi again!

yup it's me.....
should have guessed aye!
i'm keen to get these comments going. i know we have like about 9 people who follow our blog or something like that, and i know not all of them blog that much (apart from beka & mum - you guys are cool!) but yeh. we really love feedback. so in the new year, i'd like to know why you followed our blog? did you like the words? the pics? the song lyrics? we haven't really posted up much music yet - but that's kinda hard on blogging aye. sorry. we'll get to it.
sheesh. i need some enthusiasm.
know a good pickup anyone? =)
i'm listening to some pretty good music @ the mo from a site called Anyone a fan of Indie? this stuff's pretty cool aye.
you know i only just found out what indie actually is! some bands have a sound which they call indie but they're actually not cos they're signed up to a record deal. indie stands 4 independant.
kinda cool aye. owl city are a good description of indie. oh and playjerise.
i guess seeing as we're not signed up to anything (yet!) we count as indie! =)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha! i follow you so i know what's going on inside your head lol! it doesn't work :-D