Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Exciting adventures......

Today was great!
We roadtripped down to probably our favouritist beach in the world (not that we've been to all the ones in the world - but if we had this would probably still be the best of the lot =] I reckon).
It was great fun even though poor old Dan got left out of it cos he was sick.
So yeah I'll blog about it later once Beka's finished fiddling with her pictures - I find things a lot funner to hear about when you can see them as well...
Pretty keen to get our Parachute Set down..... there's only 15 days left till the Festival!!!!
Also we really need to get this ep out.....
It's hard to do all this while roadtripping!
3 lessons from our roadtrip:
1#. Don't try and surf with a boogieboard. You will fail.
2#. I forgot it. Sorry. It can't have been a very good lesson then....... =)
3#. Don't forget your guitar (I did...)

A few roadtripping rules:
1. Bring good music!
2. Don't fart in Beka's car. You will die.
3. Don't get grumpy for any reasons.

Fun fun fun!
Good night world!

Jordan the Superhero!

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