Monday, May 27, 2013

Halfway where?

It's late at night (well relatively) as I'm writing this and I'm thinking about the few precious seconds I have right now to be able to type this.

They're pretty good seconds, the last 1800 of the 26th of May 2013. It's been a pretty good day overall, filled with failed jams, moments of boredom, and plenty of laughter. Could say it's been a typical day in the life then. Well kind of.
As I sit here typing about it I'm still buzzing about how good life is. But also at the same time I'm thinking what's next? It's something I seem to do a lot. I either think about the past, or wonder about the future. I find it hard to live in the moment, to be there and not thinking about time and how it slips away so, so fast.

Right now:
  • I'm sniffing my tea. Green, with mandarin and lemongrass. Mmmmm. Tea's actually so good!
  • Using the dictionary function on my computer to spellcheck "mandarin". WHY IS SPELLING SO DIFFICULT?!!!
  • Thinking about how long it's been since I last blogged, and also about how there's a bullet point function on blogger which I'm currently using which I'd never noticed before but is actually pretty cool. 
  • Oh look I have 5 facebook notifications. Gotta love tabs. :D
  • I'm listening to Ben Howard. This guy is actually my new favorite musician! There's going to be a new CD in my collection soon. Just saying. 

While all that's going on in the background, I have to say I'm still so excited about what happened today! My friend Sarah got baptised at church tonight and it was like the coolest thing ever. Not only was it awesome to see that she's come that far in her faith, it was awesome to think that they're probably throwing the biggest party in heaven, something way better than our celebrations down here. And that's pretty legit.

So while I'm stoking over that because it is such good news, I know that next weeks looming. Only a few minutes away in fact. Weekends end, and (unfortunately) people can't get baptised every day. With exams in the distance, it looks set to be another rollercoaster of a week. One where things most probably won't always go as planned. And I'll find once again that living life to the full on a Monday is a lot harder than it seems on Sunday evening. Times going by so fast, I can't believe the fact that it's nearly June and the year is almost halfway over. Despite things have changing in my life and yet not a lot of the last five months has been spent moving in any direction, despite whatever the future has for me, right now I think of my friend and her decision and realise this one thing.

"Life: it's only a moment. 
 BUT that moment can be defining."



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Living life now, taking those moments to breathe and feel and appreciate the things we have... instead of and as well as rushing to keep up with the things not yet finished - to keep the balance of doing the job of living without missing out on living the life.
I prayed as I rushed from one place to the next today, oh Lord, help me to be a Mary and sit at your feet, drinking it in, not just Martha-ing about your business.