Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Worship 2# - Silence

Sometimes we try to hard.
We want to get closer to God but we don't really know how.We wait and wait and wait and wait for an answer, but nothing seems forthcoming. This is the hardest season to worship in.

Yet God is there in the silence.

Sometimes we don't try hard enough.

We get distracted in our busy lifes. In our social networking sites. In our attempts to make all the words rhyme even though sometimes it still doesn't come out right. And even though we're busy, it can't fill up the hole left inside of our hearts. This is the hardest season to worship in.

Yet God is there in the silence.

Sometimes we want answers.

Life has so many questions, and sometimes it all gets to much. Why did this happen to me? Why is the world so wrong? Why must we tear each other apart? Where is love in a hating world? Does it even exist? Do you even exist? Sometimes it seems like none of our questions will ever be answered. This is the hardest season to worship in.

Yet God is there in the silence.

Sometimes we are broken.

Bruised and torn after the storm, we need an escape, a refuge. Some place to call home. Yet it feels like all our questions are left unanswered, and all our pain left unexplained. Sometimes it feels like the entire universe doesn't make sense. And nothing seems to offer you any hope or even an answer.

Yet God is there in the silence.

"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23

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