Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog Fail

OK I was going to do a massive huge catchup blog but Nate want's me to go and chord some songs with him. So, this will have to be short.
Firstly I've actually got amped up on the idea of playing our first show this year save Parachute, so I actually emailed a church in Palmy about it. Hopefully they get back to me soon, cos it would be awesome to go over there and rock it out for Jesus!
Secondly, our fundraising attempts have hit a no-go at the moment. It's veeeeery slow. :( oh well, the only thing really left to do is to pray that if God's behind this, he will provide. We could always go somewhere else beside the Stomach!!!
Thirdly my new song is actually really really awesome! Haven't had time to figure it out with the rest of the band, but I've played it to them a few times, and they reckon it's sweet. Will post up some lyrics eventually. (Hope you're getting excited about this Beka!!!)
Today was a pretty mean day actually. We played some mean bowling games with LMP cans on the side of the road which was sweet. Also me and the boys had an epic apple fight at Monkton's Reserve. Man I'm amazed I don't have any bruises!
Anyway, better go now!


1 comment:

beka said...

Not LMP.

And yes, I'm excited.

Do busking!