Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Weekend Never Dies (except for sometimes)

Facebook keeps asking me what's on my mind.
And with the inability to answer such a simple question, I turn my mind to the events of my fantastically uneventful weekend. And the fact that I'm posting for the 14th time this month, which is a bit of a record for me, cos it's double the amount of the average amount of posts per month (which is 7) and five more than the highest-posting month (9) so far this year! Good stuff!

The weekend started off looking pretty great. Went on an awesome early morning skate (7pm!) with Beka and Sarah, spent my entire morning jamming Beatles songs with Dan, and then had the best practice EVER in the afternoon. Spent quite some time on our original, and got it sounding really good musically. Hopefully the vocals will be the icing on the cake.... It's actually super interesting: never thought I'd be writing a reggae song and enjoying it!
That being said, even though I like the lyrics, I wouldn't rate it as my best piece of work....
Then after I got home from a long day, I made a snap decision to go play some soccer with my mates. One minute into the game, I went into a tackle wrong, and ended up spraining my toe pretty bad. Kind of an epic fail, and I had to limp back home for tea. Still got the limp - it's a little bit difficult to walk without all your toes working properly. Man, you never notice how much you need them until they stop working!!!
On Saturday, I had work for the morning. It was really quiet so I got to leave early, which is always a bonus. Still loving the new job. Only problem with working in a cafe is that I always tend to get super hungry!!
The rest of the afternoon I did a bit of study, chilled out, and watched a bit of the Olympic Opening Ceremony.
Today I walked (or rather, limped) to work which was quite exhausting. Even worse was the walk back when I had to limp past the Parkour crew. If my foot hadn't been so sore, I would've totally joined in....
The afternoon was really boring. Grabbed some lunch, played some guitar.... generally did nothing.
Church tonight was pretty good. Good to see everyone again! Man, going to Crossroads is so cool! Like literally one of the big highlights of my week! The message was pretty good too. It was nice to be reminded how much we need God's strength, especially with me not feeling on top of the world.... man God has the sweetest timing!

Apart from that, most of my weekend has been spent learning a whole lot of music! These are the tunes I've been jamming:
1. So True - The Black Seeds (kinda have to, as it's one of my reggae covers....)
2. Blindsided - Bon Iver (quite possibly my favourite song at the moment!)
3. Flake - Jack Johnson
4. Upside Down - Jack Johnson. (I actually really liked this song!)
5. Best Of My Love - The Eagles
6. Pachabel's Cannon in D - my next classical piece to master on the guitar!!!!
7. Freedom at 21 - Jack White (the tab only had the main riff in, not the solo, so it was never completed.... but still, that riff is super cool! It's Jack White after all!!!)
8. Sixteen Saltines - Jack White (The reason for all this Jack White is I bought his cd the other day! It's epic! This is probably my favourite track off the album though.... it's soooooo good!!!!)
9. Hello Goodbye - The Beatles. (Old-school, but still awesome. One of my faves from the Fab Four)
10. Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix. (Finally learnt all of this the other day. I'm just loving being able to play some Hendrix!)

So how's your weekend been? Hopefully more entertaining than mine! Feel free to spin some yarns in the comments below!

Until next time, fellow bloggers....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good to see that maths (statistics in fact) is still alive and well in you.. and Pachabel's Canon is awesome! Wanna hear your progress on that one!