Don't really have much time to do any super long post's tonight, so I'll make this a pretty quick short one....
I've had a pretty relaxing day, as we didn't really have class today. Still got a bit of band practice done, but that's pretty much it. Nice way to spend a Friday I guess. Played heaps of guitar which is always a great thing to do. And practiced reading rhythms, which is a lot harder than it sounds!
Oh and I went and saw Lydia Cole and Tom Lark play tonight at The OE Cafe on the Square. It was a sweet concert - the music was soooooo good! Lydia Cole probably has to be one of my favourite New Zealand artists around at the moment. And Tom Lark was really good too - very interesting style. And loving the auto tune & acoustic guitar! Doesn't sound like it'd work, but in his case it actually sounded really cool...
After that I just hung out at my sister's flat for a while, then rolled back here.
And that was pretty much my day....
I'll try and be more interesting with my posts tomorrow, sorry...
I wish my week has been more interesting as well... gosh, I never know what to write about nowadays! (pst, hey, here's more than one comment... ;))
Hey Hannah! Good to hear from you!!! Yeah, same, it's shocking isn't it.... :) Cheers for the comment!!!
(Ps You should email me again! :D)
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