Where do I start?
Well first I should apologize for my lack of posts in the last couple of weeks. In my defence, I've came down with a pretty nasty cold in this past week, and so I've been trying to get some early nights. Needless to say, it's clashing with my insomnia so it's not working all that well.... Oh well.
AND on top of that I've been crazy busy with university and a whole lot of other things! So now that I have a few spare hours (finally!) I think it's definitely time I updated all the bloggers.
So I'll start with last Friday. Cos it was kind one of the best days of the year!
The night before I was just talking to the RA from my hostel and a few of his mates. And then one of them was like "We're going to the snow tomorrow, do wanna come?" I made the biggest snap decision of my life (so far) and said "Yeah, I'd be SO keen!"
Had to wake up super early the next day (5.30) but it was totally worth it! After the long car ride up, we got all our gear and bought our passes for the day before heading up the mountain.
Despite reports that the weather was going to be good, it was actually pretty shocking most of the time. While most of my photos make it look like this:
When really it looked like this:
It was snowing 90% of the time and the visibility was shocking. Oh and it was really cold to. But that didn't really matter that much! It was fine enough for us to hit the slopes and that was the important thing!
Oh and all that snow made for some awesome skiing/boarding too!
After a few runs, and a few falls (I took a while to remember how to stop properly!) we stopped for lunch then got back into it. It cleared up a little while we were on the chairlift which was really exciting, but by the time we got to the top it had clouded over again. I did one run which was super hard cos we had no idea where we were (you couldn't see anything because the snow and the clouds are the same color and it all turns into a giant white blur) and also it was so cold! I swear my fingers almost froze off!
Anyway, we jumped on practically the last chairlift of the day to the top of the mountain (well, as far up as you could go) and on the way up it finally started to clear! It was amazing! And when we got to the top of the lift, it was so clear you could see all the way down to the carparks! So we ditched our boards/skis and took a group photo. As you do.
Because it had been snowing pretty much all day, the snow up there was so deep and powdery. It was so deep that you sunk in to halfway up your shins! So we took the opportunity to have a bit of a snowfight. I think we buried someone in snow too. Just 'cos!
All our boards/skis...
Even the signs looked pretty amazing!
Then we headed down on the final run of the day. It was super fun cos we were like the last people on the skifield and we could take pretty much as long as we wanted. So we did a few jumps, went off into the back country for a bit (where I got into snow so deep I sunk in up to my knees! It was hard getting my skis out of that one...) and just generally mucked around.
After that we returned all our gear back to the hire place and then headed to the hot pools. Which was awesome after all that skiing! Then it was the drive home, where we stopped and lay on a road in the middle of nowhere just cos we wanted to look at the stars. It was so random, but pretty cool! Definitely the best way to spend a Friday!
The rest of the weekend was good too. Hung out with some friends I hadn't seen for ages, and had some good times at church!
This weeks been super busy at Ucol! Had to prepare for our pop gig (which was last night) and that was a lot of work because 2/5 of the band didn't show up. So we ended up performing as a three-piece (with a little bit of help for a few of the songs) which was actually a lot of fun. Reminded me of playing with Mayday. The gig wasn't quite as good as I was hoping though, cos barely anybody turned up and even the people which were there didn't really get into it that much. And our last song was kind of ruined because my guitar totally died on me in all the crucial parts :( But apart from that, it wasn't too bad. Performing's always fun! Plus I got really into it and jumped of the stage to play my guitar/dance with the audience, which is something I've always wanted to do!
Oh and we had our hostel photo/dinner last night too which was awesome! I had to skip half of it though cos of the gig, but it was still really fun! The dinner was really nice, and it was with good company too! Love the hostel.
Oh man, I really don't want this year to end. It's been so good!
Hows your week been? Feel free to leave a comment!
Till, then, catch you on the flipside bloggers!
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