Friday, June 1, 2012

A change of tune

This will be my first post for June. 
And my first post having changed my blog address for the first time since I started posting about three years ago.

First of all, I hope the 25+ people who follow aren't too confused about this change. My reasons behind the name change are simple: after three or so years of posting under the same name, stuff just wasn't happening. Like I know all of you were awesome enough to press the follow button, but how often do you actually read this blog? Or comment on it? I don't know, maybe I'm just being over reactive, or maybe blogging's not as popular as it was when I started. Either way, I'm hoping the name change generates some extra traffic and this blog starts becoming more interesting. After all, it's about time it had a revamp. 

So then, why "The Falling Movement"? 
Well, to be honest, it's mostly because I like the way the words flow together. That and I'm slightly obsessed with the idea, and the schematics behind, falling. And I'm not just talking about falling in relation to gravity in motion here (though that itself is a fascinating concept). There are more types of falls than that. 
Another reason for this name change is that I wanted to have something different from Mayday. I mean, none of the past band members post on here anymore. Basically all rights have referred to me, and it was kind of weird posting under a name which I no longer had any affiliation too. 
It's been almost five months since disbanding Mayday - well, technically putting the band on hiatus, but that was pretty much an excuse I made cos at the time I felt terrible about doing it. I'm not afraid to admit it now, because I know the other guys hearts aren't in it any more. It just took me a while to move on. 
Anyway, those five months have been far from wasted. Daniel has put his extra spare time into school and training for soccer. Nate has gone on to start a metal band with some friends of his called Killjoy, who are playing Rockquest next week. 
As for me, most of my time has been spent with my studies. Even though it's weird not being part of a permanent band, I reckon it's been good for me. My guitar skills have improved significantly. I've been exposed and forced to play to a lot of styles I'd never experienced. I know a lot more about the business and technical side of music. I can read sheet music, albeit slowly. I've even started to dabble in playing other instruments such as bass and piano. And it's great learning from and with other musicians - I'm constantly being forced to up my game!
In the space between bands, I've decided to use it as well as I can. As a result, I wrote, played, recorded, and mixed a 3 minute composition called "Exploring" which is posted below from my Youtube channel  And it's not the only one, I have about three or four more rough tracks half - completed to mix up. 

So hence "The Falling Movement Music". A name was needed to put my music out under, and this was what resulted - something I scribbled down at about midnight (when I get some of my best ideas!) after feeling particularly inspired. 

Hope you like the update, and the new name! Once again, it would be good to hear your feedback, especially on the instrumental. After all, this is the first time I've tried something like this! 


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