I've been thinking about newness lately.
New is the next big thing. In our generation, "new" equates to cool. We consume so much that anything new is exciting, is good. The old is cast away, labelled as "dated" or "old-fashioned", or just simply "not cool". These days whatever has a brand label and hits the shops is so widely advertised, and shown to us by actors, celebrities, whatever and whoever, that it is the "in" thing. Sometimes you get people who buy something and then after using it for a couple of hours and finding it doesn't quite give the desired results, they want the next thing. It is no longer good enough for them. It offers but a fleeting moment of satisfaction. The old stuff just doesn't satisfy: not even briefly. Music is also an example of this: New music is cool, is hip, is fresh. Old music - not so much. Some people probably can't even stand to listen to anything older than 90's music! When a band gets out a new song, a new album, it's the words on everyones lips.
But the problem with new is it becomes old. Something can simply not keep it's newness. It is impossible. It might be rediscovered by a new person, or a new generation, but it is no longer new. No longer fresh off the lead singers lips.
So why new? Why do we like it so much?
Well first of all because it's fresh. Freshness is so good! Anyone who's had a fresh, juicy corn compared to days old, dry, stale corn will know exactly what I'm talking about! New stuff gives us that thrill of energy which can only come from freshness.
I think also people like "new" because they're dissatisfied with what they have. They are searching for meaning, yet all they can grasp at is straws. New might be fresh and inspiring, but the impact is only fleeting. Like I said before, it cannot satisfy, or even hope to satisfy, that something inside of us that yearns to be satisfied. Only God can fill that hole. Only he is the one thing which stays new forever, yet is still old. It's a beautiful paradox.
So why not old? What's wrong with old? Well I think I covered most of those points already. But the thing is, we
need old. We may not like it, or even want it, but we cannot live without it. Firstly, old is what shows us what new is. Stuff can't be new if it doesn't have anything old to show up.
Secondly, old is the foundation. I mean seriously, who would have got into rock if it wasn't for the Beatles laying the foundation? How would America be the superpowered nation it is today if it wasn't for George Washington? And most importantly of all, who would have heard of Christians if there was no Christ? I know so many who think old is lame. I'm sure even many Christians haven't even read their Old Testament, cos they count it as outdated and outdone by the new (or cause they think it's boring haha) . Yet you can't hope to have a personal faith in God if you don't have that foundation, that knowledge of how he's been working in the world since the beginning of time.
And now to music. I don't think much of what is new today would exist if someone hadn't gone before and done it already. I certainly know that we wouldn't have started as a band if we hadn't been inspired by The Lads waaaaay back in 2006.
So to get to the point of my little ramble: we can't hope to go onto anything new at all if we don't respect, and learn from the old. And no matter what we do, what we create, it cannot satisfy like our Creator can.
In my struggles with music, I cannot forget this lesson. In your lives, you cannot forget this lesson. To strive for newness, press towards the mark of excellence; to learn from who and what has gone before; but do not let it be the be all and end all of your lives.
That's all I've got to say.