Tuesday, November 30, 2010


this shall be the substantial post. hopefully.
sorry i didn't get around to filming myself today...the day was mostly over before i knew it! after mowing half the lawns, deconstructing a lambs shelter, doing a paper run in the deathly heat (which took ages because nate's of climbing up mountains so me and dan had to do the whole thing :( meh), teaching a guitar lesson and writing half a song, it was pretty much to late to do anything much.
kinda annoying. but it's just the way things work out i guess.
i really should write a big blog seeing as i haven't for ages. sorry to dissapoint you peoples with short ones like this which merely discuss my day rather than the deep insightful posts of old.
all i can say is when we grow up things change. i'm not the person i thought i would be when i was a kid. i always imagined i'd be like the ultimate man: someone commanding and powerfull - i thought i'd at least have some kind of job. :) i'm really quite a different person now. it's funny, i used to consider myself talkative. seriously! i used to think i could talk the hind leg off a donkey! i just wouldn't stop chattering. now its the opposite. i'm quiet, shy almost. and i never know how to join a conversation.
it's funny how things change.
visiting the old boys rally i used to go to reminded me of that.
we grow older. and we change. we're different now from who we used to be.
and maybe its better that way.
maybe i'm proud of who i am.
not who i wanted to be.


it's a different me from the one envisioned. sometimes i don't like it. in fact some days i wonder if i even fit in my own skin. but like it or lump it, i am me. the thinker. the dreamer. the guy who wants to win all the time. sometimes he does. more often he doesn't. the guy who wants to be in the center of it all, yet purposefully pushes himself to the outside. the guy who writes. the guy who tries to make as much music as possible in a short life, even if it all sounds repetitive. the guy who wonders about his own funeral. the guy thinks to much. the guy who's often self-absorved.
the guy who believes in a big God.
the guy who's just trying to be heard.
what i'm getting at is be happy with who YOU are. sure we change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. but it's just a part of live. and it doesn't stop us living. God created you beautiful. you are unique and one of a kind. so stop looking at YOUR problems, YOUR shortcomings, and take a look at the view ourside of yourself. and you'll find yourself in the strangest of places.

not sure if any of that made any sense, but it felt good to write it!
and after that massive tangent (what was i originally talking about?) i'll say goodbye and hit the hay.
goodnight world,

Me, Jordan


oh well on the plus side i started to write another song...


hmm today was one of those days when you wake up and think "YES! todays the day where i get everything done that i want done!" and then you end up doing either a) none of it or b) not much of it done.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

movies + music = magic!

the movie part happened when we went around to our friends place to shoot some scenes, which is always fun! (actually we spent half the time playing halo haha but apart from that... :D) i found out i can't do the "thriller" dance (not by a long shot!) cos we were doing this scene where i was a zombie and had to dance...the results were so disastrously funny we were crying with laughter! it was awesome! after that and the halo games we actually got down to filming something decent with a pretty epic fight sequence over in the park, before heading home.
the music part is obviously our ep! sure it took a looooooooong time coming but man was it worth the wait! it sounds so AWESOME! can't wait to get it to you all! (but unfortunately there's still all the cover art, photos etc plus a few minor niggles to get sorted out - got to make it look as awesome as it sounds!) honestly though, i could listen to that all day! never knew we sounded that good! :)
hopefully we should have a few songs online to satisfy your cravings sometime soon.
and of course, an update on my John Foreman challenge:
so far I've written three songs in 6 days....not so good! oh well at least i'm getting there. oh and i did one with the band (a silent prayer)! does that count?
anyway here's the latest:

WORDS ( my own little reggae tune! haha)

I've got to get this off my chest before the whole world stops/ If there's one thing I hate the most it's a little thing called writters block

I'm still alive and I'm still breathing/ I've always got something to say/ The world doesn't stop so I keep on singing/ Even if words get in the way

Hey man do you ever feel like no one's listening to you/ Don't be afraid to speak out come on what have you got to lose

You and me we're not that different/ Even though we're not the same/ We're both trying to make it/ Even if words get in the way

FOUR CHORDS TO FREEDOM (love this song even if it's repetitive!!!)

From the moment I open my eyes/ To the moment I close them at night/ I've been looking for a way out of here/ Will I find it anywhere

Can I escape from this mess that I've made/ All exits seem impossible/ I need some help I can't do it myself/ If I don't make it you will

Four chords to freedom/ Think I'll make it out alive this time/ My hearts still beating/ All the wrong words seem to rhyme

For the moment I'm stuck inside/ Though I'm broken I will fight the tide/ I'm not giving up or going down/ I will fight until freedom is found

From the moment I open my eyes/ To the moment I close them at night/ I've left my former cell empty/ I'm alive and I am free
both songs (c) copyright Jordan Gowan 2010

comment if you like either or both! i really should record myself or something and slap it online... so you guys can experience part of the journey and my aweful singing haha...hmm maybe after my final exam? we'll see.



OMG!!!!! We just got the demos of the songs we recorded back in August and they are stunning!!! It sounds soooooo good!!!! Our new ep will be out before Christmas and we are VERY excited!!! Nearly crying at how good it sounds!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

so far...

..it's not going so badly! yesterday i wrote TWO songs (well one actually and added some "oh" parts to another one but ssshh don't diminish my good feelings haha)! it was pretty awesome! i was also going to write one on monday but it did not happen seeing as i was helping my sister move. one of them has a pretty killer guitar riff in and the randomest guitar solo. oh and it's about procrastinating. of course.
the other one is a one our band has been working on for erm ages and it was vury good to get it finished!
sooo here's the lyrics for the band one:


I sit here in the silence/ For once I've nothing to say/ I'm inside out before you now/ You take my breath away

Because whenever I need you you're always there/ When I fall your love erases all these doubts and fears/ I'm reaching out and Jesus you're so near/ Now I'm lost in the sound of this silent prayer

Why must I always fight you/ Every single step of the way/ When all I want to do is/ Praise your name forever and always
(c) Copyright Mayday 2010

short but meaningful - just the way i like it! :D
and the other one with the killer riff written entirely by me!


I'll write it tommorrow that's what I said/ Never is what i think I really meant

And I'm procrastinating again/ And I'm waiting for this to end

I'm wondering if we ever had a life/ Outside of our social networking sites

Now my face is booked and my space is waiting/ Play it loud from the radio station/ I'm overworked and I've got to much on my plate/ So I think I'll just sit here and procrastinate

(c) copyright Jordan Gowan 2010
preeeety random really. but kind of cool. and it has a point...in fact i'm procrastinating right now. Eeek! better get off the computer and do band practice!


PS happy birthday to Hannah from the USA! thanks for blogging about this challenge otherwise i wouldn't have even started it!!! :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

soooo the next challenge is:

i have had an idea!
starting next monday, I am going to attempt the John Foreman challenge. something i found out thanks to hannah at http://rockofescape.blogspot.com/ . anyway i'm very keen for this! it's basically when you challenge yourself to write a song per day. gonna be fun! probably most of them will be really budget, as my songwriting capabilities are severly lacking, but if i get any good ones they might get turned into ones Mayday can do! and hopefully i can find the time to blog my experiences. even if i will probably be much to busy writing music/ studying for my classics exam to do ANYTHINGGGG!
oh well it's gonna be sweet!
drop in a word if you feel so inclined to respond to this post. :D
blessings in Christ


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Wellington's Musiccircus!!!

So we're applying for Wellington's Musiccircus, where all these bands get together and make a LOT of noise. If we get in, and everything goes as planned, we'll put up the date and venue, and see you there!! I really hope we can do it cause we need more stage practice. We most likely won't get noticed, but we're there for the fun. Crazy fun. Should be allgoods if it all works.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1st post!

..well for November anyway!
at the moment i'm actually supposed to be practicing my guitar piece which i'm supposed to be playing on friday. for music. the problem is it's super dooper hard!!! i don't know if i'm gonna be ready!!! it's that duelling guitar battle from the movie "August Rush." great movie! got some awesome guitar parts in too! my problem is i can play half of it really awesome and the other half just sounds out of time and stupid! duuumb!!!
anyway not quite sure how i ended up on blogger but i thought while i was here i might as well post up something seeing as my last blog was like 3 lines and got 4 comments! i was stoked!!!
lately i've been thinking about worship. i know this is a term that is bandied around a lot by the church and much affiliated with the slow songs. you know what i mean. the reason i've been thinking about this is a) i lead worship occasionally and b) we've been jamming out to a bunch of worship songs lately. not sure if this is even going to get us anywhere, but either way it's really refreshing. you know what i really think about worship? i think it is our moment where we can come before God and say thank you. thank you for making us who we are. thank you for life. thank you for the cross. i don't think worship has to be complicated. i think it's beauty lies in it's simplicity. we are just simply bringing our Father glory. as one example: my favourite worship song consists of a few lines, and the phrase "I could sing of your love forever" . the music is 4-chord stuff, so simple anyone could play it. this song makes me realize that worship is just praising the Lord. not only in our music, but in our lives.
Let me hear a hallelujah!
anyway better get back to my song now..
goodnight all!
