Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's snowing again!
Speaking of which, it reminds me of a song by Relient K.
It used to be my favourite, but that got replaced by the sheer awesomeness of Who I am hates who I've been. So it's my second favourite now. =)
"In Like A Lion (Always Winter)"
It's always nice to look out the window
And see those very first few flakes of snow
And later on we can go outside
And create the impression of an angel that just fell from the sky
When February rolls around I'll roll my eyes
Turn a cold shoulder to these even colder skies
And by the fire my heart it heaves a sigh
For the green grass waiting on the other side
It's always winter but never Christmas
It seems this curse just can't be lifted
Yet in the midst of all this ice and snow
Our hearts stay warm cause they are filled with hope
It'd be so nice to look out the window
And see the leaves on the trees begin to show
The birds would congregate and sing
A song of birth a song of newer things
The wind would calm and the sun would shine
I'd go outside and I'd squint my eyes
But for now I will simply just withdraw
Sit here and wish for this world to thaw
And everything it changed overnight
This dying world you brought it back to life
And deep inside I felt things Shifting
everything was melting Away oh away
And you gave us the most beautiful of days
Cause when it's always winter but never Christmas
Sometimes it feels like you're not with us
But deep inside our hearts we know
That you are here and we will not lose hope
Pretty mint aye?

Wow today was eventful!

Today was pretty epic. We didn't do much but it was real fun. It started snowing about 3, but stopped before it could cover the ground. Then it started again later, about 6, and this time it covered the steps. It hasn't fully covered the ground yet, but it looks amazing.
Seeing as we live in a place where it gets REAL cold in winter but dosn't snow, you learn to appreciate the icy stuff a bit more.
I have been in a state of excitement the entire day.
I hope it's thick enough for a snow fight tommorrow!!!


far its snowing!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

whoaa switchfoot have a new album called 'Hello Hurricane' on the way!! i sooo want it. and the dudes from battle of the bands finally responded too say they'd get the info to us soon.



Friday, May 29, 2009


rite now the one thing on our minds is to get a little bit bigger. you know, more well known. which means more shows.... which is the trouble. playing at a show is no problem, but actually finding one and entering it is quite hard. battle of the bands still haven't contacted us back (deep sigh!) so we're on the lookout for other places at the moment. any ideas?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ha ha we're the only one....

On the world of blogging we are the only people interested in fairtrade chocolate.
Come on guys, get firewise.
(Yes I know I used it out of context.)
Seriously though. That's sad. Let's change that statistic. Please.

Hey turns out you can right a whole blog in the header! Mean! This is something most people wouldn't even think of, but that all just goes to show....

...I'm not like most people.

[=( ] [=) ] This is either a bunch of random numerical figures or a sad face followed by a happy face, depending on which way you look at it.

Today was real random.
It had bad bits. And good bits.
Me and Beka were planning to bake marshmallow cake. =)
We didn't have any icing suger =(
We went to the library=)
There were jerks at the library =( [and no I'm not talking about librarians. I like librarians. In fact I once wanted to be a librarian. Only turns out you have to do some kind of course thing. Which I can't be bothered doing. AND, as I've already mentioned, there's jerks at the library. And it's all the computers fault.)
Alright, I've had my big rave now.
Sorry internet world, for wasting your time.
Some people might actually relate to this though.
It's been one of those days.


i really feel like eating salt and vinegar chips.....

like, heaps!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Busy busy busy

Hey I'm blogging now because I probably won't have any time to do it later. It's been like that all day. I turned my computer on after school with the intentions of writing my book and then along came soccer practice, band, and guitar practice. Next thing I know it's quarter to six. Man I've been busy.
We had a pretty rocking practice today. We decided to go hard out so played most of our rockiest songs. It was mint.
So that's about it.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Why didn't someone warn me
To save me from my self
The pain is self inflicted
The decisions were my own
There's so much I could say
There's so much that I've learned don't make my mistake
i hate making mistakes.
the only good thing about them is how often you learn from them.
The greatest mistake you can make is to be constantly fearful you will make one

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another Sunday morning.....

I'm sick of life in the mundane.
It's like this -_-_-_-_-_-_ up down up down up down. Fall, rise, fall, rise, breathe in, and breathe out.
Which is more nesscary?
The stuff you take in, or the stuff you pour out.
Exhale, or inhale?
Or neither?
I'm so confused.
Why is it that everybody's in place when I'm not?
I feel like the lost piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
And I have no idea why.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

a famous photographer... (yes, very)

beka you're amazing....
the best sister in the world
i love love love your pictures.
sometimes you think its cause i'm good at posing....
but i think its all in your talent....
you're going to be the best photographer ever.
xo 4eva

Friday, May 22, 2009


we're done it!
Can't Stand to be Sleeping is officially finished!!
real good - in between Collisions, Descisions, and Other Things and Under This Sun.
we have the meanest solo in it ever tho
so cool
ps..... i'm done the forty-hour famine! Four barley sugars was all i ate in forty hours!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


i'm starving....
seriously i could just about eat anything rite now...
all i've had in twenty-seven hours is three barley sugars and two glasses of orange juice.... and i soo hate it when everyone talks about food...
so anyway....
we went to see lisa's baby today... far he is soooo gorgeous....
me and jords also practised the song today - dan was out i think.. going really mean.
and catherine has our t-shirts printed!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Seeing as I havn't written here for days.....

I might as well continue. Yesterday we tried to write our song-got a bit further. Then Daniel walked off. Me and Nate decided to improvise, and came up with yet another mean sounding solo which completely transformed the song-it sounds real mint now! We haven't practiced it today though, for obvious reasons.
Oh, and me and Nate have started the 40 hour famine too-which is a bit random because
a) we don't have any famine packs and
b) the famine's supposed to be done on the weekend. Me and Nate are doing it earlier cos of soccer though.
P.s Catherine's shirt design looks mean as too!

Music Fast

Ok to keep everyone updated I have been doing a music fast for the total of 20 hours, or one day. Today that is. This means no radio, no cds, no guitar playing, no band practice,etc......
No music. Full stop. Not even cellphone ringtones.
Right now I'm wearing a pair of heavy red earmuffs to avoid Beka's music.
So why do this, you ask?
Well, this wouldn't have come to my attention at all if I hadn't randomly looked on the Soul Purpose forums, not something I do often cos I'm not a member, and found a post (is that what you call them?) by Elliot. So I had a quick read and turns out he's doing this week long music fast. I read his reasons for doing so and they seemed very valid indeed. So I thought why don't I give this a try?
My own personal reasons for doing this is because I take music to seriously. It's always there. I think about it, listen to it, play it, write it, sing it, hum it..........I'd even whistle it if I could whistle!
But it is possible to get to caught up in things of this world.
So I stopped. Only for a day. It's been hard, but worth it I reckon. It gives me time to think about what music really is, how it affects us, and most importantly, has restated my dreams. Not to be a rockstar just for the music. But to be a rockstar for Jesus.
That's why I'm doing this.
I thought up this quote, which pretty much sums it all up.
"Music, without God, is nothing. God, without music, is something."


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

endless blue

i want to fly
too soar over the clouds
and feel free
just me and an endless blue
to have the sun on my face and the wind in my hair
and the whole world below me....


Sunday, May 17, 2009


Right now i feel like this:theres a rainbow in my life.... everything is awesome!
especially the band....
theres a battle of the bands concert and the next heat is in Napier sometime in June.... and we're thinking of applying too play there.... and Parachute email-ed us back saying the band applications for the Debut stage opened in august (YES!).... and we might be playing in a community concert in october az well......
yeah - so we haven't confirmed any of them just yet, but hopefully it'll all work out...
new song coming along quite good - we're almost finished it.
yea, everything is going sweet

Friday, May 15, 2009

EP out!!

well tonight we gave away 4 copies of oour EP to our coolest supporters at youth group tonite. we got mint feedback (thanx guys) and even need to print off two more copies for others who want one! and Jason said we could have his recording thing for a studio! only next time have a microphone around the drums so you can hear them..... but thats cool..... aaaand Colin said i could get about 10-20 minutes on the field in a mens' team game sometime soon - even though im only thirteen!!
life is good :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who Am I

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tommorow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the Wind
Still you hear me when I'm calling
Lord You catch me when I'm falling
And you've told me who I am
I am Yours

YES! We finally made a start!

Man today was good!
We've been trying to get a new song written this week cos I've already got lyrics for at least 4. So yesterday-and the day before-we spent trying to get an opening.
This is one of the hardest bits of writing a song. If the opening's awesome, then it draws the listeners attention and sets the standard for the rest of the song.
I had a few planned but none seemed to fit. Nate came up with one, but it wasn't that great.
So I went to my bedroom with my guitar, amp and some speakers. And came up with a MEAN AS opening!
Unfortunately, it was way to late to do anymore than that so we left it till today.
After getting the opening completely sussed, with drums and everything, Dan made up the verse and it sounded awesome. Then we did the bridge and got it all finished JUST before Daryll came.
It's awesome.
Song number 12 out soon!
Far, we've got enough for a cd!
Or a full gig.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I love this song!

Even though no-one else thinks its that great. Up until 3 minutes ago I didn't even know what it was called........
COMFORT ZONE by Everyday Sunday
I'm sitting here again
Another Sunday morning
Trying to figure out just who to be
I cant keep going on like this
I've got to break away

Whoah, whoah/ Everything I've said is over
Whoah, whoah/ I cant take this any longer
Whoah, whoah/I need to get out of this zone
Whoah, whoah/ I hope you see where I'm coming from

Its time to make a move
Change my fate
Let go of all the things that feed my complacency
Dont wanna be a wannabe

Pretty awesome aye?
Have a listen


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One day....

I'm going to be famous

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ep is finished!

Well today was pretty good-we were going to do band practice but Dan had a headache. So me and Nate just practiced I wish you were here instead.
Oh-some other news. We are now officially finished our ep -we were going to pop a video of Collisions... on it but couldn't figure out how to. Anyway, we will be getting copies of that out soon. Don't expect it in the shops or anything though.
Concerts-anyone know where we can play? It's supposed to be Nz music month after all.......


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gotta go

Time to write my book!
Farwell internet world

Turns out busking is very productive!

Hey everyone! Man I've had a rocking weekend.
First on Friday I went to the city with Beka. While she was at Ucol I wandered around town, went to the library and bought myself Stellar Kart: All Gas, No Brake! Man it is the meanest cd. If you haven't heard Stellar Kart, then you are soooooo deprived. Seriously. Go buy a copy of one of their 3 albums - they're all AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Anyway, after Beka finished her classes, we went uptown and I busked with my mean accoustic guitar. Outside a mall. It was going pretty well to. I'd earned about 10 bucks when twang! My guitar string breaks right in the middle of Tears in Heaven! Now usually I like to get on with the show-but you kinda can't when your string's broke. So I went and bought a new string at Music Planet. Trouble was I fully didn't know how to change my string cos my guitar's fretboard is a bit weird. So I took it back to the shop and the guy fixed it for me-for free! It was real nice!
Then I went and started busking again outside a different place. It went ok-made quite a few mistakes though. And most people tended to rush into the mall rather than stop and listen or stroll by. Still I made a fair bit. Then I did I wish you were here and sung it too-quite funny.
After that this nice as Asian lady came up and started talking to me, about how long I'd been playing guitar and stuff. Then she gave me $20! man i was stoked! I did one more song then went with Beka and got icecream and sorbets even though it was wet and rainy haha we're awesome.
We got cheesecake on the way home as well.
Then we went to Youth Group.
Saturday was pretty sweet I had a soccer game (away.) We got beaten 5-1 but it was a mean game. They were only about as good as us-they just made up for it on the attack. Still, @ least we got a goal (I also got a sore head by trying to head the ball when a guy built like a tank is charging me-not the bestest of idea's. My head hit the ball, then his chest, and I got wasted as.)
Then we went home on the bus. And stopped at the pub.
That sounds real dodgy but trust me I didn't go for the beer I'm WAY to young and beer's yuk anyway.


Friday, May 8, 2009

life then and now...

i remember when i was four... and i wanted to go to school with jords and beka...
i remember when i was five..... and i'd stack cars on top of each other too count....
i remember when i was six...... and i had a friend called Spencer and one day we got in a fight and i never saw him again.
i remember when i was seven.. and me and jords both fitted on the rocking horse.....
i remember when i was eight.... and i gave my heart to Jesus.....
i remember when i was nine..... and was too scared to go to sunday school so mum had to bribe me with licourice....
i remember when i was ten....... and me jords and dan always played be-whoever-you-want......
i remember when i was eleven..... and i went on a soccer tour for a week...
i remember when i was twelve..... and i go my own cellphone....
and now i'm thirteen....
sometimes i wish i could freeze moments so they wouldn't pass quickly and i could enjoy them more......

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fight For Something that's Worth Everything video!!!

*HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!*

"Fight for Something that's Worth Everything" recorded off our cheap camera which happens to take videos!!!

We recorded it tuesday i think. not too bad a video for our camera though - have a listen, and see what you think nate

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

For Annonymous....

This is for you........

When you don't know where to go/ When you think that you're alone When you're screaming within/ And you don't know where to begin

When you think you've lost it all/ When you can't survive the fall/ When you're searching for the truth/ The truth is searching for you

Your heart is breaking but you're holding on tight/ You're not forsaken God is with you tonight/ And you're crying out/ Jesus come and save me now

When you don't know where to go/ When you think that you're alone/ When you're searching for the truth/ God is searching for you

And I know that you'll be alright/ I know you're not alone tonight/ And you will make it through/ Because he's holding on to you

And your fears fade away/ In his saving grace/ You see through the darkness/ Into the light of day

Your heart is breaking but you're holding on tight/You're not forsaken God is with you tonight/ And you're crying out/ Jesus come and save me now ~(c) Mayday 2009

I don't know if you'll ever get to read this. I don't know if it will even make a difference. I don't know what you're going through, but I know someone who can help. Hold on to him.

I wrote this song for you.


The title is annonymous because my brain is blank

Well today went pretty sweet, we did heaps of band practice and got Mum to film two videos of us playing which I could probably put on our blog if I had the time which I don't have now. They're not to bad actually, except now I realize I should have turned my guitar UP not DOWN cos everything else sounds loud except me. =(
I reckon any day is good when you have a list of stuff you want to do on it and evvery single one gets done.
Today was one of those days.
Oh and I finished off my Crash this Party song!
I'm seriously looking forward to our next concert.
If we ever get one.
We will.
Go for the power of positive thinking!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Time to get busy....

Today I spent ages trying to write a song called Crash this Party. Didn't work out to well, I don't think I'm in a partying mood.
Hehe it's all good now.
We're going to get our cd out real soon, I just want to see if we can add a music vid to it. Which means we have to film one. We did a good one on Sunday-until our baby sister started moaning in the middle of it.
Anyway, onto further news. Today Beka got txted by Catherine who said if we wanted to get some airtime we could email Life Fm as it is Nz music month. So turns out the emails go to none other than Intern Dan (now promoted to Nightshow Dan apparently. I need to catch up with the times!) whom I met at Parachute briefly. This was on Monday before the morning meeting when they were packing all their stuff up.
Pretty amazing really. Bible study tonight was fun times too-can't wait to start Youth Alpha!
Very epic day indeed.


The Beauty of Grace

But anywhere you are
Is never too far away
There’s freedom from your scars
The mistakes that you’ve made
The memories erased
Baby, that’s the beauty of grace

'Does grace give you freedom TO sin, or does grace free you FROM sin?'
i reckon true grace frees you from sin
and that's the beauty of grace

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yay! Today me and Jords finished our cd case, printed it, and cut it out! IT'S ALL DONE!!!!!!!! We just have to print out a couple more copies, and load the songs onto a couple more cd's.It looks really cool. The best thing is, we made it!!!!!
I am soooo absolutely happy rite now

Saturday, May 2, 2009

life is good :)

man i'm happy! i dont even know why. life is just so great at the moment. its not hard, or busy, everything just feels good!
i feel like jumping and running around or moshing or doing something excitingly active. i feel really alive and free!
its awesome!